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Topic: How to participate in the Engineering Congress 2010

Posted by Civil engineering Executive Organization On 1:21 AM

1. Be an Executives' Challenge Year 5 Quizzer

The Executives’ Challenge is the first and only inter-collegiate engineering science quiz contest in the country. It provides a refreshing avenue to measure scholastic retention in Engineering Science subjects. Open to all colleges and universities that offers an engineering curriculum; the Executives’ Challenge is a gathering of the brightest minds set to be proclaimed as the best. Each team of will-be-engineers is equipped with pens and calculators as they collaborate on solving problems that exercise their knowledge of basic Engineering Principles. It stimulates the minds of participants as the contest teaches the value of teamwork and allows friendly competition.

2. Attend the Engineering Seminar

With the theme, "On the tips of your fingers: Today's modern trends in computer-based engineering designs", the Engineering Seminar is an occasion that provides a common ground where the curious, inquisitive and juvenile minds of participants can interact with professionally established individuals. These interactions can fuel the future of each engineering field as they inspire their successors, the potential engineers, to continue their legacy for innovation.

3. Set-up a Booth

The Engineering Congress is a gathering of students, teachers and engineers from different regions of the country to showcase their talents in engineering principles. Booths will create the opportunity for local and international companies based here in the Philippines to congregate and build a strong connection with the community in Laguna through setting up career booths, exhibit booths, food booths and other kinds of booths, which may be profitable or non-profitable.

4. Be a partner

The activities mentioned will help students identify the roles of different engineering fields in the society and assist them in envisioning their future as engineers. However, these things would not be possible without having partners.

For us to fully realize this advocacy, your participation would b a great help indeed. Your participation would be a great help indeed.

For further inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact the following:

Shelly Castillo
Finance Committee Head, CEO

Mary Rose Brito
Marketing Head, Engineering Congress 2010

Ana Rodena de Villa
President, CEO


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